Emmanuel Picq, Partner and Lawyer, PwC Société d'Avocats
I have been interacting with Jane on a regular basis exploring topics such as soft skills, team building, leader as a coach and leadership skills, communication coaching, motivation and engagement, amongst others. Through this exploration, I have focused on the core issues and values, developed my curiosity and awareness and created solutions to take actions. I therefore highly recommend Jane for her executive coaching skills.

Caris Kindler Mathieu, Internal Consultant and Coach, DCNS/Naval Group
Jane puts everybody at ease by creating the perfect learning conditions, with fun, laughter and humour. Jane’s approach is one of deep listening, she is flexible and adapts to unexpected situations with ease and confidence.

Pascal Gouin, Director Formation, PwC Société d'Avocats
Jane’s originality and inspiring personality bring her coachees and students to new levels of questioning and awareness. I have been working with Jane as a service provider for 3 years now and both I, and our PWC staff, find her intuition, sense of humour, honesty and optimism extremely refreshing as she accompanies us on our path of professional development.